Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Womentorz Slogan

We’re in the midst of selecting a slogan that represents what Womentorz is all about. Jen and I have come up with some phrases through our brainstorming, so we’re looking for your feedback. Please let us know which one you’re feeling.

If you can come up with a better slogan and we pick it we’ll give you one month of free membership!

1. Where Creativity Meets Know How

2. Let Us Put the Go in Your Show

3. Winners Find A Way

4. Passion Drives Us. Ingenuity Unites Us.

5. brainz. broadz. big ideaz.

6. Making women successful one invention at a time.

7. Cool gadgets made by cool women

8. Women + invention+womentorz=success

9. Women Came, They Invented, They Rocked

10. Women united by invention

11. Female…check….Invention…..check…..Womentorz….check….Success….check


Carry-Her said...

Hi Ladies,
I like 5 and 6.
Creative minds don't think alike is another great slogan for the site.
Hope everyone is well.

Jen C. said...

Thanks Ro!

We'll be tracking all of this and do so appreciate the input.

How are things with Carry-Her? I bet you're getting busy...

Keep in touch and we will definitely meet up in the Big Apple one day!


Auntie Buttercup said...

Mothers of Invention

Unknown said...

Thank you for the great slogans. Keep them coming. We won't be making a decision for a couple of weeks, so there's lots of time for some brainstorming. Good luck.

Jen C. said...

Auntie! I think you're psychic because I have been trying all day to come up with something incorporating the words Mother and Invention...like "Invention, meet your new mother"...or something like that...

Love you! Thanks for posting!!

Patricia said...

Womentorz: Our Name is our Virtue.

Jen C. said...

Hi, Patricia! I LOVE IT! Thanks and have a great day!

patricia@forgetmenotsonline.com said...

just thought of another one...
Womentorz- Women leading the entrepreneurial revolution.

Unknown said...

These are so great. This is going to be a tough decision. Thanks so much for the great slogan ideas.

@swhdancey said...

Julie Bonn Heath sent me...

Womentrepreneurs: Empowoment through Womennovation.

Creativity + Acumen = Womenventors

Unknown said...

So great! Keep them coming. : )

patricia@forgetmenotsonline.com said...

Women revitalizing the economy...one invention at a time.