Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Intellectual Property

I seem to learn something new everyday in the invention process and what works best for me. We all need to do what benefits each of our individual situations ....whether you're working full time and don't have a lot of time to get your product to market and need to pay someone to help you, or you have the time and ability to make your invention from home, this is your intellectual property. I keep struggling and questioning my ability and what it comes down to is I need to believe that I can make my invention happen if I will it to. I feel that is not only an avenue for other women inventors to get their product to market, but a place that will allow me to get my own invention directly to the consumer.

No matter whether you're signing a contract from Milojo or working with someone to get your product to market, your invention is your invention and you need to protect yourself. Be very careful about signing contracts/agreements because it can come back to haunt you. I'm dealing with this on my own invention and need to keep telling myself that this was and is my project that I've invested a great deal into and I have control on what direction I take my invention.

We all need to believe in ourselves and our ability. The inventor showcases are testament to how much talent is out there! Please let me know about "inventor beware" situations so I can post them as a feature article. We all need to look out for each other!

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