Monday, August 24, 2009

Being on Shark Tank

When I decided to go to the casting call for Kelly Ripa's Women Inventors show in Chicago I was probably the most nervous and excited I've ever been about anything in my entire life. I didn't have very much time to prepare for the event as there was only a week to plan everything from the time I found out about the search to the actual casting call. I think in a way the fact that I didn't have a lot of time to worry and think about the event was a blessing.

On the actual day of the casting call everything seemed surreal. I was just going through the motions to get to the location and set everything up. I didn't eat breakfast because I was afraid it might come back up during the off chance I might meet Kelly. The first person I met that morning was Jen Cannon who as a breath of fresh air. She was so positive and enthusiastic and that definitely helped ease my nervous energy.

Throught the audition process I was amazed at how many of the women came together to support each other. Sure there were the many that were competitive and didn't want a thing to do with the women next to them, but there were still quite a few that were cheerleaders for their fellow inventors. If it wasn't for those women I really don't think I would have made it through the process without having to quickly find a change of clothes at the end.

Because of my experience of really needing and relying on these women to get me through my audtion process I am absolutely in awe of the entrepreneurs that get on Shark Tank and present their idea. The process would be so different, and that group of cheerleaders wouldn't be standing with you prior to your big moment. I am so thankful for having met the women that I did and for still having them in my life so we can still be each others support system.

I was contacted by a very talented inventor who was actually looking for my invention because they had read about it on the internet and she thought I should apply to be on the show. After watching another episode of Shark Tank last night I couldn't even imagine getting enough courage to get up infront of the panel and demonstrate my idea. I really have to give the presenters lucky enough to be on Shark Tank props for having such courage even if their product doesn't find funding. I would love to hear about your experience applying or even presenting on Shark Tank. Maybe you know someone who has been on the show.


Anonymous said...

Hi,Melinda .I did watch last night Shark Tank show and it is very interesting show.I emailed to ABC my invention information in fifteen this month but nobody contact me until now.I do not know how they chose you if you are ok or not for this show.Did you emailed just your invention information or you told them how much money you need?I did
sent my invention information to Milojo show to but no responds.I am hopping to be chosen for Shark Tank.My invention request big money to manufacture witch i do not have.Thank you for this web.Lumi.

Unknown said...

Hi Lumi-

I didn't submit my invention to Shark Tank due to being a bit of a chicken. I've had comments that I should enter the show. We'll see. One thing at a time I guess.

It sounds like the selection process has closed in regards to Milojo. Even though I wasn't selected, I'm really excited to see the ladies who did make it on the show. I know many of them have amazing stories and are very talented. I'm hoping to be a resource for the fabulous inventors who didn't make it on the show.

Please keep us all posted if you get on the Shark Tank show. Good luck!

Deborah said...

I applied to shark tank, but didnt hear anything back. I didnt get a chance to apply to Milojo because I found out to late. I found some information that might be helpful as it was to me. Check out (TELEBRANDS, ONTEL & IDEAVILLAGE) all three of the companies accept NEW IDEAS and can help product get to market and in stores. If we keep each other posted with various information we will make it to the TOP. Check out my umbrella inventio and give me your feed back.