Monday, February 21, 2011

Become a Facebook Sponsor and Increase Your Own Likes

We're doing a fun promotion that's a win, win for everyone.  Womentorz is getting a lot of publicity and traffic that can greatly benefit you.  Become a Facebook Sponsor of Womentorz to benefit from all of our hard work.  

What do you get if you're a Facebook Sponsor?

You get your logo,button or advertisement on our designated Facebook Sponsor page with either a link to your Facebook Page, or to your website for an entire 6 months for FREE!

It's easy to become a sponsor!  Follow these four easy steps and you'll be up and promoting your own business.

  1. Like Womentorz on Facebook
  2. Share the Womentorz site with your friends
  3. Share the Womentorz Facebook page to your friends
  4. Post on your own Facebook wall (If you have one)
  5. Tweet about the Womentorz FB page on Twitter (If you have an account)
  6. Then email with your logo, button or advertisement with a link to either your website or Facebook page.

    It's OK to only to steps 4 and 5 if you don't have a Facebook page for your business, or Twitter account.
After completing these steps send us your logo and link to either your Facebook page or website and we will post with the date you started your sponsorship.  Send this information to

When you help grow the Womentorz brand you are helping all of the businesses that are part of our network.   We're looking forward to seeing you as a Facebook Sponsor.  Here's where you will be posted for the next 6 months: Facebook Sponsors

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