Monday, March 15, 2010

You're Cordially Invited to Celebrate YGD and Win These Amazing Prizes!

Celebrating National Young Goddess Day 
with a Twitter Party and Prizes!!!!
(See Below For Prizes)

We're inviting YOU to join the Young Goddess Day Twitter Party, bound to spark Mothers and Daughters to connect all over the world!

When: Saturday, March 20th
@ 4:00 EST

Where: Twitterville, Online Everywhere!

Why: Thought you'd never ask! 

How to Participate:
First.....comment below with your name and twitter tag in order to be in the running to win a prize even if you've told us you're going to be part of the party.  Contributors to the party don't need to be on the list...obviously you will be there. :  )  THEN, login to Twitter (4pm EST, 3pm Central, 2pm Mountain and 1pm Pacific) and follow the #YoungGoddessDay trend typed like this at the end of your tweet. Here we will post giveaway questions and available prizes for you to win for one full hour!

YGD or Young Goddess Day is a day dedicated to spending good ol' fashioned quality time with your dauther for at least 1 hour on March 20th or any day during March, where you can provide her with full blown, undivided attention; without the distraction of cell phones, video games, ipod, dvd's or anything that would take attention away from her. Can YOU support that?

In order to win, we ask that you stay with us that full hour to Tweet and ReTweet the #YoungGoddessDay trend to answer any questions or stay in the conversation. The more you Tweet #YoungGoddessDay the more you increase your chances of winning one of the amazing prizes below! You'll want to stay the full hour for the Grand Prize Giveaway that just may be for YOU!

Twitter parties are a fast, easy, fun and FREE way to connect with like-minded people all over the world!

Here are the prizes that YOU  could win:

Sippy Straw Cleaner - Value is priceless

Joeyfivecents, One of a kind Jewelry – Butterfly pendant necklace valued at $30.00

High Strung Beads Etc., Quality Handcrafted Treasures – Beaded Bracelet (Style and value may vary)- estimated value at $60.00

Lizzielou Shoes (Style may value may vary) - Value $95 - $117
The Dot Girls First Period Kit – valued at $19.95

Spooneez, Roll Up the Mess – original Reillyland valued at $16

Carry-Her - Valued at $21
Azula - Roll up Summer - Valued at $14.50

Beauty's Secret, A Girls Discovery of Inner Beauty

Winner of numerous awards, including the Moms Choice Award and
Best Children's Book of the Year (twice!) - Valued at $17.95

Tempelton Silver – Cats Eye Heirloom Bijou Bracelet- Valued at $40

Ficklets -  (2) Childrens Eyewear Charm Huggers (Style and value may vary) - Estimated value $16 
Grill Charmers – grill charm gift set valued at $19.95

Key Chain for a Cure – Priceless

Baby Dipper - Value $12.95

RaeCole – Goddess Box valued at $74.99

Good luck!!!!  These are all great prizes.  
Thank you to our contributors!


shawn said...

Thanks. I would love to attend.
I'm shawnmh on twitter

miss_moneymaker said...

Cool! I love Twitter parties!
I'll be there as miss_moneymaker

sarahjd766 at yahoo dot com

Chrissie Raysor said...


Unknown said...

Love Twitter Parties! @Allstate_SA

miss_moneymaker said...

Darn I got called in to work and have to be there at 4pm.

Unknown said...

Bummer!!! At least you can search for #younggoddessday and see the excitement that happened during the hour. This will be an annual thing, so you can participate next year. Have a great rest of your weekend.

Judy Joyce said...

I'm attending stayingyoung2

justicecw said...

I will be there! Christine - @justicecw on twitter

Adventures in Cloth Diapering said...

I'm there


Gis4Girl said...

Think I forgot to comment before. @gis4girl

ShelleyLynn said...

Hi, I'm a bit late, but thought I'd say hello anyway. I'll be launching a company and product in the next few months. My twitter is @shelleyls thanks!

Unknown said...

Welcome Shelly!!! Marianne is manning the party now from balance4life. I guess womentorz had too many tweets. Crazy!!! I look forward to getting to know you and learning more about your new product. Good luck with the process. Let me know if I can help.